At Hypera Pharma, we consider it essential that our conduct in carrying out our business is marked by integrity, compliance and transparency.
We do not tolerate or encourage unethical practices or violations of the current legislation or our Code of Ethical Conduct, of our policies and internal rules, including corruption, fraud, and other irregularities provided in the Law 12.846/13, among others.
Click here to learn more about our Ethical & Compliance Program, our Code of Ethical Conduct and our Anti-Corruption Policy. If you have any questions, please contact
Annual Reports
Relatório Anual
Strategies in Sustainability
In 2020, Hypera Pharma conducted a materiality study detailed to define priority topics for Hypera Pharma´s sustainability, referred to as, those with the highest potential to impact or being impacted by Hypera Pharma.
Integrated approach
Ethical conduction
Highlight for those who accomplish
Focus on social development
Caring for people
Responsible operation
Responsible growth
Commitment to change
Efficient environmental management
Management Pratice
Hypera Pharma develops its strategies based on its commitment to reducing environmental impacts, reaffirmed by its efficient environmental management.
- Hypera Pharma is a signatory to the UN’s Global Compact. Every year it reaffirms its adherence to the Compact and presents the progress made, along with actions undertaken within human rights, labor, environmental and anti-corruption practices;
- Since 2018, publishes its emissions on Registro Público de Emissões;
- Since 2020, publishes its sustainability reports with the Hypera Pharma’s GRI indicators;
- A materiality study has been carried out since 2020 which guides the ESG strategy and is reviewed periodically;
- Since 2021, publishes its sustainability reports, based on the global Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) framework;
- Since 2022, it has a corporate goal linked to performance in one of the pillars of the ESG theme (turnover);
- Since 2023, Hypera Pharma has a manager with goals linked to performance in the main sustainability indices of the stock exchanges;
- Hypera Pharma is part of the FTSE4Good Index Series sustainability index of the London Stock Exchange;
- Hypera Pharma is part of the Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE) portfolio of B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão.
In an effort to reduce the environmental footprint, Hypera Pharma works towards a culture of efficient use of inputs, resources, and equipment.
- To ensure minimum social and environmental impact of the operations, Hypera Pharma’s plants are located in controlled and industrial areas;
- Hypera Pharma monitors, among many other actions, the handling of products and generation of hazardous waste, water consumption, generation of effluents and emission of Greenhouse Gases (GHG);
- Hypera Pharma carries out the proper disposal in accordance with the regulations of the competent environmental bodies;
- Hypera Pharma follows the recommendations of the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure) and reports its emissions to the CDP (former Carbon Disclosure Project);
- Hypera Pharma uses 100% renewable energy in all its plants and operations.
The focus is to care for people so that they can live longer and better. Hypera Pharma provides access to healthcare and invests in social projects in addition to maintaining a responsible operation.
- Hypera Pharma invests in social projects aligned with our priority Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Health and well-being (SDG 3), Drinking water and Sanitation (SDG 6) and Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (SDG 9).
Corporate Governance
Hypera Pharma follows the best practices recommended by Instituto Brasileiro de Governança Corporativa (IBGC – Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance), considering accountability, transparency, equity and coporate responsibility, fundamentals values to its business.
- Hypera Pharma is listed in the Brazilian Stock Exchange (B3) Novo Mercado, a highly differentiated standard in corporate governance in Brazil;
- Hypera Pharma has 3 advisory committees to the Board of Directors and a Fiscal Council;
- Hypera Pharma has a Risk area that reports directly to the Statutory Audit Committee;
- Hypera Pharma has a Legal and Compliance Executive Board reporting directly to the CEO and the Statutory Audit Committee;
- Hypera Pharma has a 2-year maximum tenure for the members of the Board of Directors, with the right to re-election;
- 44% of the Board of Directors is independent, according to Novo Mercado criteria;
- 100% of the Board of Directors is independent according to SAM (DJSI) criteria;
- 33% of the Board of Directors is composed by women;
- 33% of the Board of Directors is composed by foreigners;
- 67% of the Board of Directors have relevant GICS level 1 industry experience;
- 100% attendance of the Board of Directors at meetings in 2023;
- Hypera Pharma offers 100% tag-along to shareholders.